

A Sudoku is a logic-based number placement puzzle game. The objective is to fill a 9x9 grid so that each column, row, and nine 3x3 sub-boxes contain the digits from 1 through 9, only using each digit once. A correct Sudoku solution is partially covered so that an individual can... [Read More]

Genetic Algorithms as An Approach for Machine Learning

Evolutionary computation is the field relating algorithmic problem solving to biological evolution. These reductionist algorithms were inspired by biological evolution and consequently decompose the complex problem into much simpler and more manageable stages, which are easier to comprehend. Evolutionary algorithms are a branch of machine learning since the algorithm is... [Read More]

Stochastic Influence on Pseudorandomness

Random occurrence is implicated in real life, however is extremely difficult to implicate in machines. Computers follow a specific algorithm to generate randomness and therefore is dependant on the environment. We have not discovered how random occurrence works in natural events, which means these algorithms work by using specific factors... [Read More]